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How I ground myself when I’m in a funk

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Tips and techniques to reduce stress

We all have our own struggles. We all have battles we face daily and fight differently. We all have baggage that we drag around anywhere we go. We all have that something that takes away our peace, because we get caught up in situations we didn’t expect our stress levels rise. As a result we find it hard to cool down and relax at the end of our day.

In this blog I wanted to share 5 tips to create more peace and balance in your life. I promise these habits can truly change you’re life, allow you to sleep deeper, teach you to manage your stress better, and calm your nerves.

Let's dive in!


5-4-3-2-1 Technique

One of the most common grounding technique

This technique allows us to be grounded in the moment. How often we feel like we’re in an environment physically, but not mentally and spiritually? With this technique we can experience the present.

Relax and take a moment to become mindful of your breath. With just a few deep breaths, invite your body back into the moment. Now it's time to become aware of your environment.

  • 1st step: What are the 5 things you see? Bring your attention to those 5 things one at a time and take a natural deep breath and out. Gently close your eyes, lower your gaze.

  • 2nd step: Now what are the 4 things you can touch? Bring your attention to each one at a time take a deep breath and naturally out.

  • 3rd step: Now what are the 3 things you hear? White noise, maybe a conversation at the background? Deep breath in and out.

  • 4th step: What are the 2 things you can smell? It can be a scent or a fragrance? Taking a deep breath in and out.

  • Last step: What’s one thing you can taste? Deep breath in and naturally out.

Just in a few moment don’t you feel more present, grounded, and clear? That’s something I practise, take a moment when I need to feel the presence. This technique can help pull anxious mental energy back into the body so that you can release stress.

Calendar Technique

Be cautious with your calendar.

Don’t overcommit and don’t be afraid to say no. Too many of us just start saying yes to everything and anything but we end up feeling anxious because we overcommit. One of the reasons why we create anxiety in our lives is not being cautious with our calendar. So I recommend using and sticking to a calendar.

Glorious Sleep

Next one is prioritizing sleep.

Often we’re not aware of the connection between sleep and anxiety, and how deeply related they are. Research shows that sleep lost and anxiety are closely linked. Sleep provides the brain with an invaluable period of transporting toxins through our brain's trash. For book lovers out there, I highly recommend Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker.

For a glorious sleep we have to be in a room that is 67 degrees, and dark like a cave. One of my sleep techniques is making sure that I’m sleeping in a room where the sight, scent and sound create the ambiance. Whether it’s candle, diffuser, essential oils, that calm my body. It’s really healthy to have the ambiance in my space.

Imperfection for peace within

The other tip that I have is allowing our imperfections and accepting the fact that we can't always meet people’s expectations. I think the harder we try to please everyone, the harder it gets to meet the expectations. Truth to be told there's no such thing. Often we put too much pressure on ourselves. We’re constantly worried about what people think of us. But we have to remember that we can’t appeal to everyone. We get so lost with everyone’s happiness. However, people are looking to feel love through you and not through what you give to them. Remember, what makes the memories is the human connection.

Now before I say goodbye, I want to share some of the podcasts and books that I greatly enjoy and helped me to learn these different tips that I now call habits.



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